How to properly wash a non-stick frying pan
When non-stick coating appeared, stories appeared about grandmothers who, when they first saw such a frying pan, famously polished it until it shined. And they destroyed the very coating that the manufacturers worked on. Tales come true, but you still have to wash such a frying pan. And here even a modern housewife can have trouble when scratches appear on the bottom or walls of the dishes. But they shouldn’t exist! And it won’t if you wash the frying pan correctly.

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What to wash with
Today there are so many detergents that it is difficult to choose just one. Liquids, gels, powders... In other cases, they help out well. But not when you have cookware with a non-stick coating in your hands: Teflon, ceramic, marble or titanium. The fact is that such a surface requires careful handling, and many of these substances are quite aggressive. This compromises the integrity of the coating.
Even a small scratch leads to undesirable consequences. The food in this place begins to burn, the small scratch becomes larger and larger. And unexpectedly for yourself, you suddenly realize that you need to look for a new frying pan.
Don't be surprised, but it's better to turn to the simplest means to avoid this. Therefore, we will choose safe formulations.

The simplest and most affordable option is to use soap.
1 way
You will need not a bar or even liquid soap, but a soap solution.But both a block and a liquid composition are suitable for its preparation.
If the contamination is fresh, there is no need to make it very saturated; do not add a lot of soap to the water:
- The prepared solution must be poured into a frying pan and put on fire.
- Bring to a boil over low heat.
- After turning off, leave for 40–60 minutes.
- Drain water containing food particles.
- Rinse the pan thoroughly with warm water.
Reference. Using a soap solution works well for small, fresh stains with a slight grease deposit.
Method 2
For severe old stains, you will need a more saturated solution based on grated laundry soap. You can grate the bar yourself, or you can purchase ready-made soap shavings.
- Cover the bottom of the frying pan with grated soap.
- Fill with water so that it covers the chips by 1–2 cm.
- Place on low heat and heat without bringing to a boil.
- Leave the soap to act for 2-3 hours.
- Wash the pan thoroughly with clean water.

If a layer of fat remains in the pan after cooking, a different composition will help. Prepare it using vinegar:
- Pour warm water into the dishes.
- Add 3-4 drops of vinegar.
- Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
- We wash dishes with warm water.
You can also use baking soda for cleaning. The principle is the same: pour in a soda solution, boil, leave for a while, wash.
Proportions: 100 g of soda per 1 liter of water.
Advice. You can add a few drops of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to the soda.
Mistakes that ruin non-stick coating

The safety of your dishes will be ensured if you do not repeat the mistakes that non-stick frying pans cannot tolerate.
Important! Allow the pan to cool completely on the stove before you begin cleaning and washing it. Do not speed up the process with cold water! A sharp change in temperature negatively affects the coating.
- Do not use cleaning products that are called abrasive. They contain rather hard particles that scratch the bottom and walls of the pan, destroying the coating.
- For the same reason, you cannot use dry soda.
- Undiluted liquid substances, which have the same destructive effect, are also not suitable. These include vinegar, citric acid or aggressive chemicals. If you don't have anything else on hand to clean, dilute a small amount of these substances in water.
- Do not use rough brushes or sponges for washing.
- There should be no effort to clean the dishes quickly. This will not help, and will definitely ruin the frying pan!
As you can see, the washing rules are not complicated, there are few restrictions. Do them for your favorite frying pan, and it won’t let you down!