How to clean a carpet with baking soda
The carpet not only looks beautiful, but is also practical to use. It is comfortable to play with children on a carpet with long pile. But, like any thing, it needs proper care and cleaning. In order for the carpet to last for a long time, it is necessary to occasionally clean it from dust, dirt and unpleasant odors.
In order to properly approach the issue of carpet cleaning, you need to know some points:
- what fiber the product is made of;
- are there any stains on it?
- whether they are fresh or old.
The content of the article
How to clean carpet with baking soda at home
There are many ways to clean a rug without using expensive products. Through trial and error, many methods have been developed that can be used to get carpet in order. For example: soda, salt, tea leaves, gasoline, alcohol, washing powder and much more.
NOTE. Before you start cleaning the carpet, you need to vacuum it thoroughly.
A few recommendations for the carpet cleaner:
- All stains on the carpet must be removed immediately, because after a while they eat into them and will be more problematic to remove.
- Before you start cleaning your rug, be sure to test the product on a more inconspicuous area.
- It is necessary to clean the carpet only with cool water, because hot water can only worsen the situation.
- Choose medium-hard brushes for cleaning.
- A product made from natural raw materials must be cleaned either with traditional methods or with specialized stain removers.
- After wet cleaning, the carpet must be dried.
- A product made from natural raw materials should never be cleaned against lint.
Benefits of dry cleaning soda
Baking soda perfectly cleans the product. This has been tested over many years of practice on various carpets. Baking soda not only makes the carpet cleaner, but also refreshes its appearance and eliminates unpleasant odors.
- Soda does not have a negative effect on the human body. If you follow the basic rules, this substance will not harm the body in any way, and you should not worry that harmful chemical components may remain on the surface of the carpet.
- After such cleaning, no unpleasant aroma remains on the carpet.
- A budget option. Everyone can afford such a product, unlike expensive special products.
- Availability. You can buy soda in any supermarket, even if you don’t have it at home.
Recipes for cleaning carpet at home with baking soda
Soda, powder and vinegar
If you are looking for a budget option, we recommend that you go with the vinegar-soda method. It is considered one of the most effective methods of cleaning carpets with soda. When soda and vinegar are combined, a quenching process occurs. This process occurs directly on the surface of the carpet product. Be sure to add washing powder to the product.
First you need to prepare all the necessary components:
- large bowl;
- soda;
- vinegar;
- water at room temperature;
- sponge for reading carpet.
Pour 4 tablespoons of acetic acid, 1 spoon of powder and 1 spoon of soda into the water. The liquid is mixed, after which a slight bubbling begins.
If you have a sprayer, then use it to evenly distribute the product over the carpet. Or apply the liquid with a brush. Everything must be done as quickly as possible, until the product stops bubbling. In a few seconds, the product will collect all the dirt from the surface. After this, we remove all the dirt with a rag or sponge and clean it. This is a great way to clean carpets and is even as good as professional cleaning. In addition, this method perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors.
Vinegar, baking soda and dish detergent
All these products can be found in any kitchen. By collecting all three components, you can perfectly clean a dirty carpet. A significant advantage of this method is that it does not contain a large number of chemical components. To prepare this product you need:
- 250 ml water at room temperature;
- 50 ml acetic acid;
- dishwashing detergent.
We combine everything and mix. After this, we immediately begin cleaning the carpet. To apply you will need a carpet brush. After this, remove all the dirt with a regular sponge.
Dry cleaning with soda
One of the easiest ways to clean a carpet at home is dry cleaning with baking soda. Sequence of work at home:
- First, you need to thoroughly vacuum the carpet on both sides.
- After this, pour baking soda evenly onto the product.
- Leave for 30 minutes.
- Afterwards, you need to thoroughly vacuum the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
This method is great for removing stains from rugs. If there are stains on the carpet, then you need to not only pour baking soda on them, but also rub it with water. An excellent method of removing especially for fresh stains.
Wet cleaning with baking soda and vinegar
If the rug is too dirty and you want to tidy it up a little, then wet cleaning using a soda-vinegar solution will help. For the solution you need 6 tablespoons of vinegar diluted in 1 liter of warm water.
ATTENTION. All actions must be performed with gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands!
Add 3 tablespoons of soda to this liquid. After the liquid stops bubbling, pour it into a spray bottle. Spray over the entire carpet and leave for 60 minutes. If there are noticeable stains on the carpet, rub them with a sponge. After this, the carpet is washed well with clean water and dried. This is an excellent product that will not only clean the carpet, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. The only drawback of this product is the smell of vinegar that may remain after work. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment well and remove children and animals from the room during work.
Precautions when cleaning with soda
Cleaning carpets using soda is a harmless method, but you still need to adhere to basic rules while working:
- Be sure to dry the carpet so that microorganisms do not start to grow in it. Otherwise, the carpet may begin to smell unpleasant and eliminating this smell will not be so easy. In addition, inhaling moldy odors can affect your health.
- Baking soda may cause a cough. This is especially true for people who are prone to allergic reactions.Be as careful as possible when spraying the baking soda solution over the surface.
- When working with acetic acid, be sure to use gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
- Be careful when using the sprayer. Be careful not to get the product in your face.
- If liquid is accidentally spilled, clean it up immediately to avoid stains.
- You should not use too much liquid, because the carpet will take a very long time to dry.
- First, test the product on an inconspicuous area.
- It is better not to clean silk carpets at home, but to leave them to professionals. It is very easy to spoil such a product.