How to remove gouache from carpet
In the process of drawing, young artists sometimes do not limit themselves only to album sheets. Often, drawings appear on the most unexpected surfaces. And sometimes paint stains appear as a result of careless actions. And the question arises - how and with what means you can remove stains from gouache.
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How can you remove gouache from a carpet at home?
Gouache contains glue, which provides additional paint durability. Therefore, stains from it are very difficult to remove, and sometimes impossible.
REFERENCE. To remove paint from carpet, you must choose the right product so as not to damage the surface of the product.
To remove gouache, you can use one of the following tools:
- Acetone, gasoline or white spirit.
- Good dish detergent. It is desirable that it be concentrated.
- Laundry soap.
- Vinegar.
- Various stain removers. It could be “Anti-Pyatin” or “Vanish”.
It is not necessary to have all the funds. As a rule, you can easily find a couple of them at home.
IMPORTANT. A carpet made of synthetic fiber cannot be cleaned with acetone, solvent or white spirit.
How to wash?
To remove traces of paint from carpet you need to:
It is advisable to place any container, such as a basin, under the rug. This way all the liquid will not fall on the floor.
- The resulting solution must be poured onto the contamination.If the coating is thick enough, the liquid should be poured out in small portions so that it is completely saturated.
- If a special carpet cleaner is used, it must be dissolved according to the instructions on the package.
- If cleaning is carried out using laundry soap, the stain must be thoroughly soaped with soap.
- Use a brush to clean the carpet.
- Rinse the coating with cold water.
REFERENCE. Special products remove stains much better than soap. After the latter, marks very often remain on the product, which are difficult to get rid of.
- If vinegar is used as a stain remover, it must be preheated and combined with gasoline in equal proportions;
- The resulting mixture is applied to the stain and left for some time. Then rinse thoroughly;
After all manipulations, the carpet must be dried so that it does not begin to rot or mold appears. Paint stains can be removed, the most important thing is to do it immediately, without allowing it to dry completely.