Is it possible to place the bed with its feet facing the door?
Healthy sleep is the basis of good health and mood. Our effectiveness during the day directly depends on the quality of our night's rest. That is why it is so important to create conditions for full recuperation. One of the most pressing and controversial issues is the correct location of the bed relative to the door.
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Is it possible to place a bed with your feet facing the door: superstitions and common sense
To a modern person, folk signs may seem strange and illogical. However, the idea that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door has taken root very well. Many people try to avoid this arrangement. But if you think about it, any belief is not accidental. Our ancestors had no idea about the physical structure of the world, but they knew how to observe. Systematizing the knowledge gained, people drew conclusions and created their own picture of life. Thus, many peoples associated a bed with its feet facing the exit with danger.
- The Slavs considered the front door to be a passage to the kingdom of the dead. There was an opinion that the easiest way to drag a soul to hell is by the feet of evil spirits. Sleeping with your feet towards the door means allowing evil forces to take you to the next world.
- For the Scandinavian peoples, the door was also a portal to other worlds. It was believed that there are three worlds in the Universe. One is for people, the second is for gods, and the third is for evil spirits. The Scandinavians believed that during sleep, a person's soul went on a journey, leaving the body. And if she fell asleep with her feet towards the exit, she would end up in a dark world and might not return.
According to the beliefs of different peoples, sleeping with your feet towards the door threatened illness, failure, nightmares and even early death. If we look at the situation today from a logical point of view, it may be psychologically uncomfortable for a person to sleep in such a direction. Firstly, this is how they carry the dead out of the house, feet first. Secondly, an open dark corridor often causes unpleasant associations and a feeling of anxiety, which also affects the quality of sleep.
What does Feng Shui say about this?
According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, proper organization of space is the path to a harmonious, happy life. To the question whether it is possible to sleep with your feet towards the door, there is an explanation related not to mysticism, but to the laws of interaction of energies.
Feng Shui experts do not advise lying with your feet facing the exit while sleeping, otherwise positive energy will leak out through the door. As a result, a person will wake up not rested and full of strength, but broken. Constantly sleeping with your feet facing the door poses a threat to your overall well-being and internal energy.
IMPORTANT. The opinion of Feng Shui practitioners regarding the location of the bed applies to any door - not only the entrance door, but also the balcony and even the dressing room. Experts categorically do not recommend sleeping with your feet towards the right opening.
Bed opposite the door - is it possible or not?
If it is undesirable to sleep with your feet facing the exit, is it generally possible to place the bed opposite the door? And if possible, then how exactly? First, it’s worth understanding what the connection is between the quality of sleep and the organization of the interior.
How furniture placement affects sleep
When choosing a bed location, it is important to consider several factors.
Air circulation. Ventilation before bed is the key to a good rest. If fresh air flows freely to the bed, your sleep will be sound and restful.
- Soundproofing. When the bed is positioned with the head of the bed facing the window, external factors such as light and street sounds can interfere with sleep. In addition, purely psychologically, such an arrangement of the bed is unfavorable, since it creates a feeling of insecurity. Thick curtains can be a solution. Another bad option is to place the headboard against the wall behind which other people live: here the issue concerns primarily extraneous noise.
- No external threats. Placing a bed under a massive chandelier or a picture on the wall is not a good idea. This can cause anxiety and a sense of impending danger and, as a result, problems sleeping.
Head forward or feet towards the door - how to sleep correctly?
According to popular beliefs, you cannot rest your head towards the exit: dark forces will penetrate the brain and take over the mind. A person will experience nightmares and mental disorders.
Feng Shui experts say that if the bed is facing the exit, it should have a high back so that there is no loss of energy.
There are no scientific arguments about whether you should sleep with your feet or head towards the door. The decisive arguments, as a rule, are signs and internal sensations. People who do not take superstitions seriously sleep quite peacefully with their feet and head towards the door - without nightmares or health problems.
Much in our life depends on what we believe. The main thing is to place the bed so that resting on it is truly comfortable - both physically and emotionally.