Electronic scales from a solar battery - what is it?
This is a flat, extremely light weighing device that has a liquid crystal display. The flat surface has smooth push buttons.
WARNING: In some species the keypad may not be felt to the touch. It stands out with signs and drawings. The work is carried out from a solar battery.
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How do solar powered scales work?
- First, install it on a flat surface.
- Some types of electronic scales are turned on using a button on the rear panel. Turn it on and wait for it to configure itself.
- When the liquid crystal display shows zero, the scale is ready for use.
- Based on the view: put what you want to weigh on the scales or stand with both feet evenly on a flat surface.
ATTENTION: When weighing, you are required to stand still; any movement will cause the readings on the scoreboard to fail.
- We look at the scoreboard and get weight data.
REFERENCE: If the weight exceeds the permitted norm, then the corresponding indicators will be displayed on the display in the form of a record.
- After finishing work or one-time actions, turn off the device on the rear panel.
ATTENTION: New models turn on and off automatically.
Rules for using scales with a solar battery
- Installed on a flat surface.If there are irregularities, then the weight accuracy readings differ by plus and minus by 2 kilograms, which is not good. This affects body weight weighing when controlling weight.
ATTENTION: For many people, this is an unforgivable mistake that can affect their health.
- Wipe off particles of dust and surface contamination with a damp cloth. With a light touch of your hand without pressing on the surface of the scoreboard.
- Washing under running water is strictly prohibited. Water getting inside the device will oxidize the batteries and lead to malfunction.
- It must be protected from falls and impacts.
REFERENCE: Due to these reasons, malfunctions occur and the device fails.
- Not installed near open heat sources.
- They require protection from sudden changes in temperature.
- Do not stand on one edge, this will prevent the device from tipping over.
- When using at home, keep it out of the reach of small children.
Pros and cons of solar powered scales
- Availability of solar energy source. The inexhaustibility of the sun is available almost anywhere on our planet. And thanks to the heavenly body, the topic of eternal access to energy has been exhausted.
Environmental friendliness is the main advantage of a solar battery.
- They don't make noise. When working forever, their audibility is zero. ATTENTION: This is quite convenient for certain work on devices with solar panels.
- Fairly slow wear. REFERENCE: Service life up to 25 years. But thanks to new emerging technologies, perhaps in a few years they will be eternal devices.
- Ability to control power supply.
- If the normal power supply is turned off, the scale will operate without delay.
- Easy to maintain and use.
- Huge selection of models and colors.
- Acceptable price. Almost everyone can purchase special scales. The product fully justifies itself.
- Maximum weight up to 150 kg.
- Light in weight and easy to move.
- They have a liquid crystal display.
IMPORTANT: The indicative figures are visible quite well, especially for people suffering from low vision.
- Carry out work in extreme operating conditions.
- Convenient when moving, if necessary.
- They work automatically.
ATTENTION: Only some types.
- New models are able to show the result not only of weight, but also the amount of fat and water in the body.
- They have durable glass.
- The dimensions of the platforms are quite convenient.
- Do not cause harm to health when used.
- Original design developments.
- The scale can turn on at intervals of up to one minute.
- Inaccurate weight readings.
WARNING: For example, you can weigh something twice in a row and get different results.
- Should stand near sunlight, slightly shady screen, then the work stops.
- Some types require adjustment and when turned upside down, you can find the power button.
- Guarantee for free repairs up to 36 months.