What to do to keep bread fresh for a long time in the bread bin
There are many Russian proverbs and sayings about bread that express a respectful and reverent attitude towards this product. We were taught from childhood that bread is the greatest wealth. He was sung in hymns. He was the main dish on the master's table.
Bread has always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so it was carefully stored. There were many ways that allowed bread not to go stale and prevented the appearance of mold until it was eaten. Some storage rules have survived to this day.
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What to do to keep bread fresh for a long time in the bread bin
The main storage place is the bread bin. You need to place it in a dry and bright place, since mold most often forms in the shade.
Rules for storing bread in a bread bin
The product must be sealed, with microscopic holes for ventilation. Here are the general rules to follow:
You cannot clean the bread bin with household chemicals, otherwise they will saturate the bread stored in it.
- It is not recommended to wet a wooden bread box, as this will lead to the wood getting wet and mold forming.Wooden bread bins are rubbed with pharmaceutical Vaseline once a month. This simple remedy will protect the wood from cracking and help get rid of fungus.
- Lemon copes well with unpleasant odors and mold. The walls and bottom are thoroughly rubbed with the peel and pulp and the door is kept open until completely dry.
- Different types of bread should be stored separately, so it is best to buy a bread bin with compartments. If this is not possible, then you need to put the loaves into bags.
- The bread bin should be cleaned regularly and wiped with a weak solution of vinegar once a week, thereby getting rid of the appearance of unwanted bacteria.
REFERENCE! For care, you can use a solution of baking soda (9 g per 90 ml of warm water). Use a sponge soaked in this composition to wipe the walls and bottom. Keep the door open until the moisture evaporates.
Folk tips on how to keep bread fresh in a bread bin for a long time
There are many folk methods that allow you to store bread for a long time:
- If the bread box is not made of wood, then you can put a wooden plank on the bottom; it will absorb excess moisture.
- You can use 2 tbsp. Place l mustard powder in small gauze bags and place in corners.
- The salt shaker inside the bread box perfectly absorbs moisture, but it needs to be changed periodically.
- A piece of sugar, a fresh apple or a cut potato perfectly absorbs moisture and maintains humidity at the proper level. They are replaced as needed. Charcoal can be used for the same purposes.
- It is best to cut a loaf of bread down the middle. The slices are cut from the middle to the edges. The remaining bread is cut together and put into the bread bin.
To always have delicious and fresh bread on the table, just follow simple tips.
What material should a bread box be made of to increase the shelf life of bread?
Bread bins are made from a variety of materials to preserve the freshness of bread:
Stainless steel. Such bread bins not only fit perfectly into the modern style of the kitchen, but are also easy to clean, durable, do not absorb foreign odors and are designed for a long service life.
Food plastic. Products made from it are light and inexpensive.
Tree. Such specimens are attractive due to their environmental cleanliness, but caring for them is not easy.
Birch bark bread bins lightweight and mold resistant. But the bread in them is subject to drying out, so for storage it is placed in canvas bags.
Bamboo bread box are resistant to rotting, and the bread in it retains its aroma and freshness for a long time.
Products from glass easy to care for, but virtually impervious to air.
Studying the properties of bread bins made of various materials, experts concluded that wooden ones are best suited for storing bread. Wood breathes, which prevents the formation of moisture inside the product. The most practical bread bins are made from juniper, linden, and ash; the bread in them will remain fresh for a long time.
The most popular types of bread bins
The bread bin should be chosen in such a way that it is spacious and does not take up much space in the kitchen.
Today on the market you can find models where, along with with a storage function, sliced bread is implemented. The cutting board can be retractable or have a hinged lid.
Bread bins in the form of baskets They are most often used for table setting; they are of little use for storing baked goods.
If family members eat different breads, then you should buy bread bin with compartments or two-tier.
They make round, square or rectangular models.When choosing, you need to decide on the location. Round bread bins are voluminous and suitable for a spacious kitchen.
New to the market are vacuum containers with a pump for pumping out air.
Before use, you need to read the manufacturer's recommendations, wash and dry the product. Do not forget to clean and dry the bread bin on time so that the bread does not go stale, then there will always be tasty and soft bread on the table.