How often to change your water filter
Water filters have become a salvation for many when it comes to improving the quality of drinking water. Unfortunately, they cannot provide cleaning at the proper level for a long time: they lose their cleaning properties and can become clogged - in such cases, they need to be replaced!
But how often does this need to be done, and what additional information do you need to know? Let's talk about this in detail and figure out how often to change the water filter.
The content of the article
Why is it important to change your load in a timely manner?
Filter elements have a finite lifespan. You can find it out when purchasing this product or on the manufacturer’s official website.
It is worth considering that there are factors that shorten the overall service life - these are:
Total volume of purified liquid. The larger the volume, the sooner the filter becomes unusable.
- Initial fluid quality before cleaning. The worse it is, the greater the load on the filter and the faster it will need to be replaced. Sometimes, double (repeated) filtration is required, which once again increases the load.
- The quality of the item. The quality of the manufacturer affects the service life: the more conscientious the manufacturer, the better.
Limit service life of filters in domestic conditions
Cleaning update frequency elements depends depends on many factors and cannot be common to everyone: there is no universal answer to this question. It is recommended to carry out both planned replacements of cleaning elements (at the end of their service life) and unplanned ones (if problems are detected with the cleaning elements).
If the frequency of the replacement process is too high, it is recommended to think about alternative sources of drinking water (for example, ordering purified water to your home, etc.).
Factors indicating the need for replacement
The following manifestations will help you understand:
The taste of filtered water has changed dramatically for the worse. Taste is the main indicator of filtration quality. Even if the service life is fine, but there are problems with taste, “rotation” of the filter is necessary.
- When boiling the purified liquid, scale appears. This indicates that the cleaning process is incomplete.
- The pressure of the purified liquid has become less than usual or the liquid is almost not filtered. Cleaning is difficult if the channels (pores) for the passage of moisture are clogged with large elements. It is recommended, in subsequent times of using the filter, to carry out a settling process or pass it through a cloth (folded several times).